Today, Brooke Dockyard was honoured to have the Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Haji Adenan Bin Haji Satem, Chief Minister of Sarawak to officiate The Successful of SA-SA Topside Project Completion, Loadout and Sail Away Ceremony in Sejingkat Yard, Jalan Bako. The auspicious event was witnessed by The Honourable, Tan Sri (Dr) James Jemut Masing, Deputy Chief Minister & Minister of Infrastructure Development and Transportation Sarawak, Datuk Abang Haji Abdul Karim Bin Tun Abang Haji Openg, Chairman of Brooke Dockyard & Engineering Works Corporation, Puan Hasliza Othman, PETRONAS Senior General Manager and Mr.Thomas J.Mireles, Senior Vice President Murphy Oil Exploration and Production Company.

The contract was awarded on 27th November 2014 to Brooke Dockyard with the scope of works covers detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC).The South Acis Satellite Platform SA-SA is a separate satellite platform in the South Acis field located in Block SK311 approximately 17km from West Patricia in water depth of 35m located at offshore Bintulu, Sarawak Waters.
SA-SA Topside Mechanical Completion Date (MCD) was accepted on 15th April 2016 recently and scheduled to be loaded-out on 1st August 2016 and Sail-Away to location on 6th August 2016.SA-SA Topside consists of Eight (8) conductors and triple surface trees that will provide up to a maximum of 24 well slots. All the slots includes are 9 slots for oil producers, 5 slots for water injectors, 1 well slot for a gas producer and 9 slot spare for future wells. Total tonnage is 1091 MT.

The ceremony was followed by the signing of The Exclusivity Agency Agreement for the Transportation & Installation between Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation and Hilong Marine Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited. This Agreement facilitates joint capabilities to execute projects together and offers competitive advantages in the region.