

Project Brief

The KBA Permata Hidro is part of the Buoy and Lights Dues Board to modernize and to renew the Sarawak Marine Department fleet as KBA Datu and KBA Merpati is nearing the end of their service age. The vessel shall be operated by the Hydrographic Division, in the near coastal trade limits, coastal and riverine waters of Sarawak and equipped with hydrographic, on board chart production, limited oceanographic, marine research and training capabilities.

The vessel is having an accommodation for 16 person which are located at the forward and mid ship. The after part of the vessel has an open deck for the placement of a 9 meter survey launch, deployment of oceanographic equipment and working area related for the intended activities. The handling of the equipment will be done utilizing the 5.0 tonnes SWL deck crane. The design of the vessel is done by Conan Wu and Associates based on a proven hull, able to function at least 14 days on mission with maximum number of person without replenishment of fuel, fresh water and provisions. The vessel is also able to carry out hydrographic, limited oceanographic duties in water without anchoring and making fast to shore at sea state of Beaufort 5. The construction of the vessel is done utilizing the block method whereby 4 hull blocks, 2 forecastle blocks and one wheelhouse block are constructed independently. All blocks later were assembled in sequence to form the hull
and superstructure.

85% of the total construction work is done by the in house Marine Engineering SBU team which consist of 94% of Bumiputera and clock in 179,000 man hours without loss time injury (LTI) throughout the project. KBA Permata Hidro was launched on the 27th of July 05 and after the testing and commissioning works, the vessel is ready to perform her maiden voyage.

Award Date : 25th March 04
Completed Date : 24th June 2005
Client : Sarawak Marine Department