
Brooke Dockyard Received A Gold Award From MOSHPA

Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation recently received a Gold Award from Malaysian Occupational Safety and Health Professional Association (MOSHPA), under the OSH Management System Category for the Fabrication of Structural Assemblies and Modules for Oil and Gas Industries. The award was presented during 10th MOSHPA Conference and Dinner held at Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Resort, Kuala Lumpur on 20th September 2014. The award was received by Puan Norhizan Haji Sazali, Acting General Manager of Brooke Dockyard and Mr Andrew Ronggie, Senior Manager of Lost Prevention Unit of Brooke Dockyard from Encik Ir. Mokhtar bin Musri, Director General of Department Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Malaysia.

The objectives of the MOSHPA 2014 award are to recognize Malaysian contractors who have demonstrated best practices and continuously monitored Safety and Health at their construction projects. The evaluation was based on documentation, workplace inspection and employees interview. Brooke Dockyard was the only company from Sarawak received the awards

This MOSHPA 2014 Gold Safety and Health award is one of the prestigious awards received by Brooke Dockyard since its involvement in the fabrication of Oil & Gas Modules/Platforms in 1997. In 2001 and 2002, Brooke Dockyard was awarded Gold Safety Award and Merit Award respectively by Petronas for the adoption and excellent implementation of Contractor’s HSE Management System. Besides, Brooke Dockyard was also awarded a series of Safety Achievement Awards for Non-Lost Time Incident (LTI) for all the completed projects.

Currently, Brooke Dockyard has in place the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certified by LRQA since 1998 and OHSAS 18001:2007 OHS Management System by SIRIM QAS Sdn. Bhd. and IQ Net International Sdn. Bhd. since 2009 respectively. In addition, Brooke Dockyard had just launched the implementation of ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System (EMS) in March 2014 and had Stage 1 Assessment conducted in July 2014 and Stage 2 Assessment is scheduled in October 2014 and thereafter expected be awarded ISO 14001:2004 Certification by the certifying body concerned.

BDEWC had participated in a series of award programme over the years. The two recent awards were the Winner of Construction Malaysian Excellence Award (MCIEA) 2012 for the Safety and Health Category in October 2012 and the Merit Award for Chief Minister Environmental Award (CMEA) 2011/2012 in November 2012.

Brooke Dockyard believes that with Health, Safety and Environment Management System in place, it will be able to develop positive and decent safety and healthy working culture amongs the workforce. Embracing a committed Safety and Health journey has assisted Brooke Dockyard to be a recognized as a leading oil & gas fabrication company in East Malaysia.