

Award Date : 7th September 2001
Completed Date : 26th September 2002
Tonnage : 1500MT

Another Offshore Drilling Platform Completed by Brooke Dockyard. The Jintan (JNDR-A) Topsides Project was awarded by Shell Oil & Gas Malaysia (SOGM) to Brooke Dockyard in September 2001.

The JNDR-A is a drilling cum riser platform which will be situated about 275km offshore Bintulu. The topsides weighing about 1,600MT was completed on schedule on 26th September 2002. The loadout of the topsides is on 27th October 2002 and, upon loadout and seafastening, the topsides will be transported by barge to its offshore destination for installation.

This Project is the second single largest project undertaken by Brooke Dockyard after the 2,000 MT ANGSI-B Topsides project which was completed in June 2001.